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The two become friends while talking strategy and military history and Ali invites Ulysses to come back home with him as a military advisor.

  • Robin Series: Ali Ben Khadir, the young leader of Dhabar, meets Ulysses Armstrong, otherwise known as "The General", and is impressed by someone near his own age with so much military knowledge.

    The French series La Quête de l'Oiseau du Temps: Mara, the old witch-princess who sends the heroes on the quest in the first place, secretly wishes to steal the powers of the God of Evil as opposed to sealing him.Turns out Haazen was Sith himself, and was aiming to both control the Jedi through Lucien and generally spit on the grave of Barrison Draay, Lucien's father and Haazen's one-time friend-turned-rival.

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    He manipulates Lucien Draay into doing some truly nasty things - including ordering the deaths of several of his colleagues' apprentices and trying to kill his own - because that was supposed to prevent the return of the Sith.

  • Haazen in Knights of the Old Republic.
  • In Bookhunter, after the Library Police finally retrieve the stolen book, Agent Bay realizes that the stolen copy was actually another forgery-because the original book had already been stolen by the Chief of Library Security.
  • Eventually, he confronted Edo and the truth came out, but Edo defeated him (ironically, using a card that his father designed to defeat the Ulitimate D card) and DD perished in the resulting fire. He was a criminal who murdered Edo's true father and stole the Ultimate D card, becoming a vassal of the Light of Ruin in the process the whole reason he took Edo under his wing was to throw suspicion off of himself.
  • Played straight with Edo Phoenix's adoptive father DD.
  • Subverted with Daitokouji-sensei, Judai's teacher and ally, who was revealed to be The Mole, and then later The Mole for the good guys.
  • Words Worth: Both Tessio of the Shadow Tribe and Menza of the Light Tribe, who are later revealed to be two halves of the same entity, who is pushing the tribes to remain in a constant state of war to keep the Words Worth Tablet prophecy from being fulfilled.
  • Barnaby constantly looks to Maverick for guidance (and obviously considers him to be a Parental Substitute) for more than two-thirds of the series.


    He steers Barnaby to become a highly marketable (and easily-manipulated) corporate-sponsored superhero who works tirelessly for the company and TV channel of which he is the CEO.

  • Big Bad Albert Maverick from Tiger & Bunny is this to Barnaby.
  • The only exception is Puella Magi Tart Magica, where Cube, the Incubator unit, is completely honest to Jeanne and actually grows to care about her to some extent.

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    In almost all installments, they deceive the girls into contracting and get them to make a wish that will almost inevitably backfire, leaving out critical information about being a magical girl and justifying it by saying You Didn't Ask, to intentionally drive the girls to despair, which will turn them into witches.

  • In the Puella Magi Madoka Magica series, Mentor Mascot Kyubey is revealed in the original anime and manga as the true Big Bad and a Hive Mind species who set up the Puella Magi system so contracted magical girls will inevitably become witches, and intends the destruction of humanity to use their energy to power the universe.
  • She proceeds to become the Child of God and abandons Jun, then tries to kill her when she gets in the way.
  • In the Devilman Lady anime, Lan Asuka is a member of the Human Alliance and the one who recruits Jun to help them defeat the Devil Beasts who are attacking humanity, but as the final episodes reveal, Asuka wants to dominate humanity and was merely using Jun to get rid of the competition.

  • Vexx art case